'TIA' GCH. Aveiro's By The Light Of Dawn

We are not expecting puppies at this time. See below.
Welcome to our website!
Here at Aveiro, we are very passionate about our Portuguese Water Dogs, as they are true members of our family! With the careful guidance of friends and mentors, our mission is to continue to research and educate ourselves for the preservation and betterment of this amazing breed.
We are located in Medicine Hat, Alberta, which is approximately 3 hours southeast of Calgary, Alberta, and about an ours drive north of the Montana, USA, border.
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Aveiro does not have any litters planned at this time, but Dharma has been bred to Wrigley, Ch. Surfari's Holy Cow. Puppies are due May 10, 2024. For more information on this exciting litter please contact Lana, at Armada Portuguese Water Dogs www.armadaspwd.com.
Thank you!